What Is The Exact Moment To Post On Instagram?

What Is The Exact Moment To Post On Instagram?

What Is The Exact Moment To Post On Instagram?

Over the past few years, Instagram has changed its algorithm, making it more challenging to share visible posts on this platform. It prioritizes posts from users’ families and friends separately from the business posts, and it has a lower possibility of getting placed at the top of the queue. It has a lower weightage of business posts and usually contains a link that diverts users away from the Instagram app. Do you want to flourish your business? Then you have to know about some tactics to master on this platform. It may include the predefined moment to post while the audience is available online, and this is the perfect time to post your Instagram content. Many Instagram users start to buy Instagram story views to advance their reach flawlessly. Still, you stumble to know the most suitable moment to post on Instagram? From this article, you will learn when to post on Instagram.

The Right Moment To Post On Every Day

Are you searching for the finest time to publish your video? When your audience is online, it is the best time and best day of the week to post your video. Early in the morning, when people wake up to drink a coffee, they use to grab mobile phones while consuming coffee. Lunch break and evening snack time is also the more suitable time, and during these break times, people will surf the internet on their phones.

You have a chance to meet your potential consumers in Instagram feeds when they intend to open the app if you post your stuff before 8 am. But it does not apply to targeting professionals or B2B firms with business accounts, and then, you would have a higher chance of catching the attention when you post during the lunch break during the workday.

According to the study, we have framed posting times each day

  • Monday: 6 am to 10 am and 10 pm
  • Tuesday: 2 am to 4 am and 9 am
  • Wednesday: 7 am to 8 am and 11 pm
  • Thursday: 9 am to 12 pm and 7 pm
  • Friday: 5 am, 1 pm, and 3 pm
  • Saturday: 11 am, 7 pm, and 8 pm
  • Sunday: 7 am, 8 am, and 4 pm

You should use these timings to post on Instagram.

Identify The Posting Time On Instagram

If you are new to Instagram, you have to use the optimal time to share your content. After some years, you can start to find out the range of times to see what would be the best moment for you and your company and what will work for your company. You will get a complete idea about which moment will work for your organization to be available on the social media platform. By looking at your day-to-day visibility, you can arrange your lifetime. You can use media analytics to find out the ideal moment to post and reach your desired audience, or else you can use the Instagram app to determine the optimal time for posting.

Find Out When Competitors Are Posting

Your competitors also perform different strategies, calculations, and tests depending on your industrial need. Keep watching them, and you can learn what is working to increase the audience in your sector with social media listening. Because business posts may work well at 8:00 am, or 12:00 am, consider their posting, and a few minutes earlier or later, arrange your meeting for limited shelf space.

Scheduled Posting On-Peak Hours

You need not always be available when you are online. However, the success rate of the post relies on engagement with commenters, which will limit the time of the post. If your post doesn’t need your availability, you can use scheduling tools to post your video during peak hours. The more consistent you are with the posting schedule, the easier you can evaluate the best hours functioning well or if any improvements need then include. It is vital to monitor the performance of your social media postings and track and optimize the entire process.


Instagram is a fantastic platform for any organization to meet its marketing goals, but posting content is essential for this digitally transforming world. User engagement, followers, and traffic are achieved by utilizing your most suitable time to post on Instagram and schedule ahead of time. The latest algorithm determines the optimal dates and times to post on Instagram to reach the target audience and identify the exact time to post to grow your business.